On June 8, 2022 in Novgorod Doctor of History Vadim Ibragimovich Musaev presented his new monograph “Different Christian communities in the North-West of Russia in the 1900s – 1930s”, in which the history of main non-Orthodox confessional communities of St. Petersburg/ Petrograd/ Leningrad and in general in the North-West on the basis of materials from previously unpublished documentary sources was studied.
The meeting was attended by Novgorod historians, museum staff, representatives of religious associations of Novgorod.
Representatives of the Novgorod libraries that day had the opportunity to receive a new edition with the author’s autograph.
The presentation was organized by St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, the Novgorod Museum-Reserve, the Department of Theology of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University with the support of the Russian Historical Society. Among the guests of honor were Metropolitan Lev of Novgorod and Staraya Russa and Natalya Vasilievna Grigorieva, General Director of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve. The meeting was moderated by the head of the Novgorod group of the SPbIH of the RAS, Doctor of History B.N. Kovalev.