A three-volume collection of documents from the most tragic period in the history of our city was presented during an online presentation on January 27, 2022, at 12.00. The main role in compiling the collection of documents “The Blockade in the decisions of the leading party bodies of Leningrad. 1941-1944″ played the staff of the laboratory “History of the siege of Leningrad” of the Institute D.Sc. in History G.L.Sobolev, D.Sc. in History M.V. Khodyakov, Cand. Sc. in History K.A. Boldovsky (the head of the Laboratory).
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“Autograph of history” – “To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther …”

“To my dear mistress, Mrs. Katarina Luther. Wittenberg. Into own hands,” is inscribed on the reverse side of a one-leaf message on yellowed paper. Cand. Sc. in History, Senior Researcher Tamara Nikolaevna Tatsenko tells about the autograph of the famous German church reformer Martin Luther, which is stored in the Scientific and Historical Archive of the Institute.
International conference
On January 26, 2022, the International Conference “Three Wars: Russian-Japanese (1904-1905), Soviet-Japanese (1945), Korean (1950-1953) will be held at St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, organized by SPbIH of the RAS and Korea University (Seoul).
The conference will be held in a mixed format: in-person and online. The conference starts at 10.00, Petrozavodskaya st., 7, 3rd floor, conference hall of SPbIH of the RAS.
Conference agenda (in Russian)
Those who wish to join in a remote format can write to the deputy director of SPbIH of the RAS for Scientific Cooperation V.G. Vovina: Varvara_Vovina@mail.ru
A new book
The publishing house Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana has published a scientific reference edition Dictionary of St. Petersburg antiquities of the 19th – early 20th centuries: in 3 volumes / A. K. Gavrilov (editor-in-chief) and others; SPb., 2021. ISBN 978-5-4391-0715-5.
This publication offers the reader alphabetical biographies of 250 St. Petersburg scholars, educators, artists, and writers who have contributed to the development of Russian classical studies. The articles are based on the widest possible involvement of the works of the studied specialists, biographical literature about them, and archival materials. Striving for historicism and objectivity, the authors of the articles, who themselves work in various areas of classical studies, show the achievements and miscalculations of their predecessors by comparing the opinions of their contemporaries, refraining from final verdicts. The reference materials that make up the 3rd volume (indexes of names, lists of institutions associated with classical studies, etc.) are designed to help in understanding the historical environment in which the figures included in the Dictionary developed, which contributes to the use of biographies in the study of Russian culture as a whole. Articles are provided with a detailed bibliography. The dictionary includes portraits of scholars.
The book is intended for historians of classics of various profiles, for historians of Russian science, culture, and education, researchers of literature and art dealing with the reception of the ancient heritage, as well as for a wider circle of readers who value the past of Russian, in particular, Petersburg, culture and appreciate the achievements that had place in the period of its most dynamic development.
“Autograph of History” – the nicknames of Russian princes

Aleksey Vladimirovich Sirenov, Director of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, tells about the origin of the nicknames of Russian princes and the oldest list of the Novgorod chronicle, containing a list of princely nicknames, from the collection of manuscripts of the Scientific and Historical Archive of the institute.
“Autograph of History” – to the 800th anniversary of Alfonso X the Wise, of Castile

The Archive of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS keeps the only medieval document in Russia associated with the name of Alfonso X the Wise, the Castilian king, who decided the fate of a distant village in the Bay of Biscay. Daria Omelchenko, a researcher of the Archive, tells about the copy of the royal privilege granted to the port town of Ortigueira in the “Autograph of History” program.
Auxiliary Historical Disciplines. Vol. XL.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences announces the release of the next volume (XL) of the collection of articles “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines” (ISBN 978-5-86007-954-0; ISSN 0130-0865). This year it has changed the publication format. From now on, it will be published in a mixed format: as an electronic publication on our new website www.auxiliaryhistoricaldisciplines.ru and at the same time in the usual printed form. Electronic publication in full-text format will precede the paper version. The emphasis on the open electronic version will help, as we hope, both the dissemination of the collection and its recognition.