The State Museum of Political History of Russia, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, North-Western branch of the Scientific council of the RAS «The history of social reforms, public movement and revolution» invite to participate in International scientific conference “Revolution of 1917 in Russia: events and concepts, consequences and remembrance” timed to 100-year anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia.
It will be conducted on May 11-12, 2017. Applications accepted until December 15, 2016.
Рубрика Без рубрики
On 100-year anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia
New book
“Kriga” publishing house issued new book “Scenes of Russian life. Capital and province of the first half of the 19th century in the view of foreigners. Diaries. Researches” (“Kartiny russkoi zhizni. Stolitsa i provincial pervoi poloviny XIX veka glazami inostrancev. Dnevniki. Issledovania”). The publication was prepared by G.M. Kovalenko and A.A. Kuznetsov.
The book incorporates “Autographic daily notes” by Adelaide Hausnolf and diary of Eric Gustav Ehrstrom “For me and my friends”, they are accompanied by album of Andre Duran’s lithographs “Voyage pittoresque et archeo-logique en Russie” first published in Paris in 1839.
New books
“Liki Rossii” publishing house issued a new book, “Boris Vasilievich Ananich. The way we remember him” (“Boris Vasilievich Ananich. Kakim my ego pomnim”). This collection includes memoirs of colleagues and friends, photographs and documents from private archive of B.V. Ananich. The book was prepared thanks to Nina Ivanovna Ananich and members of her family directly to opening on June 20, 2016 of the international conference timed to 85-year anniversary of Boris Vasilievich Ananich.
Saint Petersburg branch of “Nauka” publishing house in “Russkaya biblioteka” series issued the book by I.P. Shaskolskii “Rus’ and crusaders. Struggle for the Baltic in 12th–13th centuries” (“Rus’ i kresonostsy. Borba za Baltiku v XII-XIII vekah”). This publication incorporates two monographs of I.P. Shaskolskii of 1970-s-1980-s which scrutinized the struggle between Rus’ and Swedish crusaders in 12th–14th centuries.
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Н.А. Кондратова с книгой, отмеченной экслибрисом Н.П. Лихачева

Праправнучки Н.П. Лихачева Амина и Дарья с книгами прапрадеда Н.П. Лихачева Александра Логиновича из фонда библиотеки СПб ИИ
On September 30, 2016 descendants of N.P. Likhachev Natalia Alekseevna Kondratova (granddaughter) with her granddaughters visited Saint Petersburg Institute of History. They looked over the institute building, visited archive and library, met with the director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov and academic secretary A.A. Kasatov. N.A. Kondratova presented the Institute photographs of N.P. Likhachev from their family archive.
Presentation of the Russian version of the encyclopedia “Polish Petersburg”
On September 30, 2016 at the assembly hall of the Centre of art and music of the V.V. Mayakovsky Central public city library the presentation of the Russian version of the encyclopedia “Polish Petersburg” was held. The encyclopedia was composed by D.S. Likhachev fund in cooperation with International cultural centre in Krakow with the support from “Russian-Polish dialogue and accordance centre” foundation. The project was supported by SPbIH RAS, Centre of Petersburg studies, International cultural centre in Krakow and other organizations.
Director of D.S. Likhachev fund A.V. Kobak, consul general of the Republic of Poland in Saint Petersburg Andjei Hodkevich, professor of Warsaw University Heronim Gralya, director of SPbIH RAS N.N. Smirnov, historians and scholars from Saint Petersburg and Poland.
Encyclopedia “Polish Petersburg” can be reached at
Session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS
On September 26, 2016 the session of Saint Petersburg division of the Archaeographic Commission of the RAS was held at Saint Petersburg Institute of History.
The participants were welcomed by director of the Institute N.N. Smirnov, who emphasized the importance of the recommencement of the division’s activity.
The members of the department discussed different issues concerning both current status and prospects of its work. Special attention was paid to issues of expert activities, publication of historical sources and co-ordination of the manuscript restoration.
Preliminary date of the next meeting is November 1, 2016 at SPbIH RAS.