Archive for spbiinews

The 39th volume of “Auxiliary historical disciplines”

“Dmitrii Bulanin” publishing house issued the next 39th volume of collection of articles “Auxiliary historical disciplines” [“Auxiliary sciences of history”/”Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie discipliny”]. ISBN 978-5-86007-954-0
ISSN 0130-0865

The collection of scientific works includes articles dealing with the study of manuscrits and objects of cultural heritage. The authors of the articles widely use the methods of auxiliary historical disciplines in their research. The chronological and thematic ranges of the works presented are quite wide. Some of the articles scrutinize various manuscript and printed collections stored in the Russian Federation, while others are related to the development of archeography as a field of knowledge, to the problems of Old Russian book culture. The collection also includes research on the history of the 20th century and a large publication of documents related with the archaeographic activity of P.P. Dubrovsky. The articles consider the documents stored in the BAN, RNB, RGADA.

All materials are published for the first time, articles were written by authors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Minsk (Republic of Belarus).

This publication has been issued with grant support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project № 20-19-00123). Absolutely not for sale.

New publication

Publishing house «Al’yans-Arkheo» in a series of books “Tikhvinskii arkhiv” (“Tikhvin archive”) issued a new publication compiled by O.A. Abelentseva “Materialy po istorii Uspenskogo Tikhvinskogo monastyrya”, vyp. 1: Akty i materialy pistsovogo dela, ch. 2: 1644-1675 gg. (“Materials on history of Tikhvin Assumption monastery”, issue 1: Acts and penmen materials, part 2: 1644-1675″). ISBN 978-5-98874-183-1.

This publication is a continuation of the book “Materialy po istorii Uspenskogo Tikhvinskogo monastyrya”, vyp. 1: Akty i materialy pistsovogo dela, ch. 1: 1560—1644 gg. (“Materials on history of Tikhvin Assumption monastery”, issue 1: Acts and penmen materials, part 1: 1560-1644 published in 2015. The second issue includes acts and materials of the penmen record keeping of 1644-1675, characterizing the role of the Assumption Tikhvin Monastery as a center of spiritual and socio-economic life in the North-West of Russia and one of the defensive outposts on its borders. In general, this publication provides material for the study of different problems of the socio-economic life of Russia in the middle – second quarter of the 17th century.

The Seminar on the Old Russian History

St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University in cooperation carried out a meeting of the Seminar on the Old Russian History which was held on December 24, 2020, online.

At the session, A.M. Vvedenskii (the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University) delivered a report “Istochniki letopisi Avraamki” (“The Sources of the Chronicle of Avraamka”).

The heads of the report (in Russian)

New monograph


Nauka publ. in “Biblioteka vsemirnoi istorii” book series issued the second edition of the monograph by M.B. Sverdlov “Domongol’skaya Rus’: Knyaz’ i knyazheskaya vlast’ na Rusi VI – pervoi treti XIII v.”. ISBN 978-5-02-038250-3.

The monograph of a prominent specialist in the history of Kievan Rus, M.B. Sverdlov, examines the early period of the Russian history. It systematically studies the institutions of the prince and princely power in the process of formation and development of the Russian medieval society and state. The main facts of the activities of the famous Russian princes of the middle of the 9th-first third of the 13th centuries are considered, a holistic picture of Russian society of this period is offered. The book may appear as a fascinating story about the origin of the Russian state.

New book


Nauka publ. in “Biblioteka vsemirnoi istorii” book series issued the monograph by A.A. Kasatov “Seizina: pravo, vlast’ i obshchestvo v anglo-normandskom korolevstve XI-XIII vekov” (“Seisin: the Law, the Power and the Society in Anglo-Norman Kingdom of 11th-13th centuries”). ISBN: 978-5-02-040533-2.

The book focuses on the study of seisin as a central institution of the right of property. The author outlines its features and reveals how it was incorporated in the context of social and political history of England of 11th-13th centuries.

International Scientific Conference “Mastering of the North: From the Past to the Future”

On December 14–15, 2020 the International Scientific Conference “Mastering of the North: From the Past to the Future”, examining the industrial development of the North and timed to centenary of discovery of Norilsk deposit is to be carried out at the State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Krai.

The conference is organised by Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, the State Archive of Krasnoyarsk Krai, Publishing House “Political encyclopedia” (“ROSSPAN”), “Norilsk Nickel”.

The conference wiil be conducted online. For access to the conference sessions the day before its start contact Varvara Gelievna Vovina by e-mail


The conference agenda (in Russian). 


Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

On November 30, 2020, at 17.00 the session of the scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” took place. 
Senior researcher Cand. Sc in History M.E. Proskuriakova delivered a report “Bolezni i organizatsiya lecheniya voennosluzhashchikh Vyborgskogo garnizona v 1710–1740 gg.” [“The Illnesses and the Organisation of Medical Treatment of the Military Personnel of Vyborg Garrison in 1710s-1740s”].
A report synopsis
