Archive for spbiinews

The session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era”

Dear colleagues!

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcomes you to participate in the session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era”.

The report “The attemps of anti-Bolshevik underground organize a rebellion in Petrograd in 1918” will be delivered by research fellow of the Institute Candidate of Science in History К.А. Tarasov.

The session will take place on November 21, 2019 at 18.00 in the Conference hall of the Institute (Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, Petrozavodskaya ul.,7, 3rd floor, room 23).  
The synopsis of the report (in Russian).

Launching of the collection of documents “Alexander III”


On Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 15.00 at the Conference hall of Saint Petersburg Institute of History takes place the launching of reprint of the collection of documents “Alexander III” from the series “Statesmen of Russia in the eyes of contemporaries” (“Gosudarstvennye deyateli Rossii glazami sovremennikov”). The book has benn composed by V.G. Chernuha and I.E. Barykina and issued by the publishing house of “The Pushkinsii fund”.


The publication is timed to 125-year anniversary of the death of the emperor.

The Seminar on the Old Russian History


St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University announce a meeting of the Seminar on the Old Russian History which will be held on November 14, 2019 at 16.10 in St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (Petrozavodskaya ul., 7, Conference Hall).
At the session Ieronim Grahl (professor of the University of Warsaw, „Artes Liberales” faculty) delivers a report “Russian elite of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Union of Lublin of 1569”.
The sinopsys of the report (In Russian).

The 9th International symposium on American studies

The Russian Association for Anthropological American Studies, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS on June 24-25, 2020 carry out in Saint Petersburg the 9th International Symposium on American studies “The History of America: man, nations, cultures”.

The 9th International Symposium on American studies, sequential to the series of symposiums on Native American studies and American studies of 1982 – 2018, is planned to represent the most contemporary results of researches on history and anthropology of countries and peoples of America, appreciate the contribution of disciples of academician A.A. Fursenko to Russian system of American studies and as well strengthen international and interdisciplinary status of Russian community of specialists on Anthropological American studies.
Further information (in Russian)

The First International St. Petersburg Historical Forum

From October, 29 till November, 3 2019 Saint Petersburg State University conducts the First International St. Petersburg Historical Forum. The forum is organized in cooperation with the State Museum-Reserve “Peterhof”, the Institute of History of Material Culture of the RAS, the President Library, the National Library of Russia, the Russian Sate Historical Archive, St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS. The event is supported by the Foundation “History of the Fatherland”, the Endowment Fund of SPbSU and the State Museum of History of Saint Petersburg.

More than 500 scholars from over than 30 countries will participate in the Forum. Reports by leading specialists from Russian and foreign universities, scientific institutions, archives, museums and libraries will be presented and discussed.

Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”.

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS welcome everyone to the session of the seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”

The report by I.E. Barykina (Herzen State Pedagogical University) «Dnevnikovye zapisi grafa I.I. Tolstogo (avgust-sentyabr’ 1881 g.) i materialy arkhivnogo fonda Otdela rukopisei Rossiiskoi natsional’noi biblioteki o deyatel’nosti Pereselencheskoi kontory v Syzrani (1881 g.)» [“The diary entries of count I.I. Tolstoi (august-september 1881) and materials of the archival fund of the Manuscript department of the National Library of Russia on the activities of the Emigrant Bureau in Syzran (the year 1881)”] will be delivered.

The session will take place on October 24, 2019 at 17.00 in SPbIH RAS (Petrozavodskaya str., 7; Conference hall (room 23)).

Welcome everyone!
The report synopsis (in Russian)

The Seminar on the Old Russian History


St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University announce a meeting of the Seminar on the Old Russian History which will be held on October 17, 2019 at 16.10 in St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (Petrozavodskaya ul., 7, Conference Hall).
At the session I.Yu. Ankudinov presents the report “The corps of Novgorod and Pskov Acts of the 12th-14th centuries: modern state and publication issues”.

Synopsis of the report (in Russian).
Welcome everyone.
