Archive for spbiinews

Video Chronicle “The Age in the Eyes of Contemporaries”: Some Results and Prospects

The first stage of the project “Video Chronicle “The Epoch in the Eyes of Contemporaries” has been completed. This project is carried out by St. Petersburg Non-government Organization of Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces and Law Enforcements with the participation of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and autonomous non-government organization “Dom rodosloviya”(on the basis of a tripartite agreement between these organizations, signed on October 31, 2017). 110 video interviews with St. Petersburg veterans were recorded, many documents about the life and work of respondents were scanned. All material in electronic form is being prepared for transfer to the Scientific and Historical Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of the RAS, which has the right to permanently store archival documents. After the archival description, with the consent of the veteran and taking into account current legislation of the Russian Federation, video interviews and related documents will be available for researchers of the Soviet period of our history.

Laureates of the Metropolitan Macarii Prize

On September 23, 2019, at the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill, a meeting of the Committee for the Award of the Makarii Prize in the Humanities in 2018-2019 was held, at which the laureates in 6 nominations were determined.
In the nomination “History of Russia” the third prize was granted to the scholars of St. Petersburg Institute of the RAS:


– Doctor of Historical Studies, Leading Researcher of the Department of the History of Revolutions and Social Movements of Russia Boris Ivanovich Kolonitsky;




– Doctor of Historical Studies, Chief Researcher of the Department of Ancient History of Russia Mikhail Borisovich Sverdlov.




In the nomination “History of Orthodox countries and peoples” the third prize was given to:


– Doctor of Historical Studies, Leading Researcher of the Department of Contemporary History of Russia Vadim Ibragimovich Musaev.





– Doctor of Historical Studies, prof. of the Department of Russian History from ancient times to the twentieth century of the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University, associate researcher of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS Vyskochkov Leonid Vladimirovich – first prize in the nomination “History of Russia”.



We heartily congratulate our colleagues.

The awarding ceremony of the 2019 Makarii Prize laureates for the humanities will take place on October 30, 2019 in the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Laureates of the Alexander Nevsky Prize

On September 12, 2019, on the Day of the Holy Alexander Nevsky in St. Petersburg the winners of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Prize “Alexander Nevsky” were awarded.
Among the winners of the Prize of the year 2019 are Doctor of Historical Sciences, prof. Vladimir Vikentievich Lapin – first prize in the literary competition for biographical research “Tsitsianov” (Moscow, Molodaya Gvardia publ., 2011); Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Borisovich Sverdlov – special award “Heritage” for the monograph “History of Russia in the works of N.M. Karamzin ”(St. Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya publ., 2018).
Friends and colleagues cordially congratulate the laureates and wish them further creative and scientific success.

Scientific Conference in memory of Doctor of Historical Sciences Sergey Viktorovich Yarov

On October 9, 2019 at St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Petrozavodskaya ul., 7) with the support from the European University in St. Petersburg and the Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University (as the session of the seminar “History of the Soviet era”) there took place a scientific conference “An ordinary person in extraordinary times”, dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian historian, leading researcher of St. Petersburg Institute of the RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences S.V. Yarov, who passed away in 2015.
The conference program consisted of two parts: scientific and memorial. The first will present reports on the topics that S.V. Yarov was interested in throughout his entire scientific life, such as the “human dimension” of the Revolution, the Civil War, New Economic Policy and the blockade; in the second, the memoirs of colleagues and students were presented.
Conference agenda (in Russian)

From the collection of the Scientific-Historical Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of RAS

Within the framework of the RFBR project 18-09-00212 on the preparation and publication of a translation into Russian of the treatise “Sovereign” (“Sovereign” Machiavelli in a Russian manuscript of the XVIII century”, composed by Doctor of Historical Sciences M.A. Yusim. M., 2019. 198 p.) The entire manuscript Antimachiavelli was digitized. The present submission of the electronic copy of the manuscript is intended to supplement the text published with a scientific commentary by M.A. Yusim by transmitting a visual image of the source. In addition, the manuscript of Antimaciavelli by Frederick II is valuable material for further research.
The manuscript “Antimachiavelli” is stored in the Russian section of the Scientific and Historical Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS. Fund 36 “The Vorontsovs”, inventory 1, unit 807).

The Seminar on the Old Russian History

St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of History of St. Petersburg State University held a meeting of the Seminar on the Old Russian History on September 26, 2019 at 16.10 in St. Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (Petrozavodskaya ul., 7, Conference Hall).
During the meeting, the report of Anatoly Leonidovich Gryaznov (Scientific research center “Drevnosti” (Vologda)) “Belozersk Acts of the 14th-16th Centuries: Methodology and Study Results” was delivered.
At the seminar the monograph by A.L. Gryaznov “Belozerskie akty XIV-XVI vv.: issledovanie i perechen” [“Belozersky Acts of the XIV-XVI Centuries: Research and Enumeration”] (Vologda, 2019) was presented.

International scientific conference

On September 19 – 22, 2019 International conference “West European Manuscripts and Charters from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern Period in Saint Petersburg Collections: Research, Catalogization and Digitization” will take place in Saint Petersburg. It is organized in collaboration by the United Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities (the Saint Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), the Saint Petersburg Institute of History (Russian Academy of Sciences), the German Historical Institute in Moscow, the National Library of Russia and the State Hermitage Museum.

The conference agenda presumes participation of more than forty scholars from Austria, England, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg, Poland, France and Russia. Its aim is to strengthen cooperation between Russian libraries and institutes and European scientific centers.

The conference will be held under the auspices of the Year of Russian-German Scientific and Educational Partnership in 2018 – 2020.

Conference agenda (in English, German and French)
