Archive for spbiinews

All-Russian Scientific Conference on the history of the Great Patriotic War


On April 26, 2017 at the Humanitarian Institute of the Novgorod State University All-Russian Scientific Conference “Memory of the Great Patriotic War in everyday life of the youth in 21st century”. It was organized by Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, Saint Petersburg Institute of History, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University and Novgorod Metropolitanate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Scholars, students and lecturers of the institute and colleges of Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University, teachers and school students from Novgorod have participated in this conference.

Session of the Seminar on Old Russian history

Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS in cooperation with the Institute of History of SPbSU welcomed everyone to session of the Seminar on Old Russian history that have taken place at 4.00 p.m. on April 27, 2017 in SPbIH RAS (Petrozavodskaya str., 7; Conference hall (room 23)) hosted by V.G. Vovina and A.V. Sirenov.

This time S.G. Zhemajtis delivered a report “On issue of location of the pulpit of metropolitan of Kiev and All-Rus in 1347-1460: Assumption cathedral in Vladimir or in Moscow”.

The 10th Open Contest “Topical Science”


The Polish Institute in Saint Petersburg, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of History and Political Science University of Białystok announce the 10th Open Contest “Topical science (Soviet Union, Poland and other states of Central and Eastern Europe in the world policy of the 20th century)” (Aktualnaya nauka) conducted in commemoration of O.N. Ken.

The report of the director of the Library of the RAS I.M. Belyaeva at the session of the Academic Council


On April 18, 2017 at the session of Academic Council the director of the Library of the RAS I.M. Belyaeva delivered a report “The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences nowadays”. She outlined the modern tasks of the library; sketched its problems and difficulties. Then the speaker answered multiple questions.
Participants of this session highly appreciated the work of the Library of the RAS on the whole and employees of the library branch situated in the Institute in particular and called for productive cooperation to continue.

New issue in the book series “Novgorod deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire”


The publishing house of the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve issued the next book in the series “Novgorod deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire” “Vladimir Miliutin. Apologist of technical education in Russia. The deputy of the Fourth Duma” (“Vladimir Miliutin. Apologet tehnicheskogo obrazovania v Rossii. Deputat Chetvertoi Dumy”) written by B.N. Kovaliov (Novgorod th Great, 2017. ISBN 978-5-89896-494-8). It is the second book prepared to publication by Novgorod the Great branch of the Russian Historical Society and it continues the cycle of works of D.Sc. in History B.N. Kovaliov on the course of life of Novgorod deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Empire.

In memory of the scholar


On April 13, 2017 Yurii Georgievich Alekseev, outstanding scholar, great specialist in Russian Medieval history, D.Sc. in History, professor of Saint Petersburg State University has died. Many years Yurii Georgievich worked in Saint Petersburg Institute of History. Burial service and funeral has took place on April 17. He was buried at Smolonskoye cemetery.

“Young scholars of the 21st century”. The conference of scholars-beginners


On April 12, 2017 at the Academics’ House named after Maxim Gorkii (Palace embankment, 26) the conference of scholars-beginners “Young scholars of the 21st century” took place. This event engages pupils and students of other secondary education institutions of Saint Petersburg and has been carried out for 21st time in a row by the Academics’ House with constant support from Saint Petersburg Institute of History. Institute researchers Cand. Sc. In History A.I. Bogomolov, Cand. Sc. In History S.A. Isaev, Cand. Sc. In History S.V. Kulikov were the members of the jury of the section “History”.
The results of the conference will be announced in a month at the closing session, and at the same time awards and diplomas will be presented.
