On extended session of the Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 50-year anniversary of move of the Institute and the library to Petrozavodskaya str., 7 at the Reading hall of the Institute’s library the exhibition “The library of LOII: labor activity, 1936-1991” has been opened. There are presented documents (annual reports, inventories, readers’ record cards, etc.), photos and items concerned with everyday life of the library. The exhibits are organized in chronological order.
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Exhibition on 50-year anniversary of SPbIH move to N.P. Likhachev’s house
On 90-year anniversary of Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin
On October 18, 2016 memorial session of Scientific council of SPbIH RAS timed to 90-year anniversary of corresponding member of the RAS, D.Sc. in History Rafail Sholomovich Ganelin took place.
The reports were delivered by T.V. Andreeva, A.N. Tsamutali, O.Yu. Malinova, S.K. Lebedev. A.S. Krymskaya, S.V. Kulikov, D.I. Raskin, V.A. Nardova, N.N. Smirnov confided their reminiscences about Rafail Sholomovich.
T.V. Andreeva in her report provided the analysis of scholar’s legacy in the sphere of history of Russia in the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century. Then A.N. Tsamutali examined the formation of Ganelin’s scientific views in his student years and outlined the great influence of his tutors N.P. Poletika and B.A. Romanov, friends and fellow students.
O.Yu. Malinova evaluated the role of R.Sh. Ganelin in preservation of traditions of Petersburg school of history and in formation of several generations of historians in Leningrad-Petersburg.
S.K. Lebedev in his speech characterized R.Sh. Ganelin’s principles and his relations with colleagues during compilation of collective monographs, collections of articles and fundamental publications.
Employees of the Department of Modern History of Russia prepared exposition of scientific works of R.Sh. Ganelin supplied by photographs from the Archive of the Institute.
Session of the Seminar on History of Post-war Soviet Society
On October 17, 2016 regular session of the Seminar on history of post-war soviet society (period of 1945-1965) took place. This seminar works at Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS (SPbIH of the RAS) and ensures collaboration of scholars, employees of museums and archives, professors, tutors and teachers along with post-graduates. The report “I’d rather die than will work in factory!” Education, rivalry and attitude to labor among youngsters in the post-Stalin Georgian SSR” was delivered by D.Sc. Ira Yanis-Isokangas (University of Helsinki). In the following discussion scholars from SPbIH RAS, St. Petersburg State University, Central State Archive of St. Petersburg and other specialists have participated.
On scholar’s anniversary
On anniversary of Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, D.Sc. in History, professor Yurii Gergievich Alekseev “Drevlechranilishe” publishing house issued the collection of articles “The sides of Middle Ages in Russia: collection of articles timed to 90-year anniversary of Yurii Gergievich Alekseev” (“Grani russkogo Srednevekovia: sbornik statei k 90-letiu Yuria Gergievicha Alekseeva”). Articles written by his disciples and colleagues examine different problems of medieval Russia history and cover different spheres, such as historiography, source studies, genealogy, war history, law, social history, etc.
The book will be of interest for historians, philologists and everyone interested in history of medieval Russia.
On 100-year anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia
The State Museum of Political History of Russia, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, North-Western branch of the Scientific council of the RAS «The history of social reforms, public movement and revolution» invite to participate in International scientific conference “Revolution of 1917 in Russia: events and concepts, consequences and remembrance” timed to 100-year anniversary of the Revolution of 1917 in Russia.
It will be conducted on May 11-12, 2017. Applications accepted until December 15, 2016.
New book
“Kriga” publishing house issued new book “Scenes of Russian life. Capital and province of the first half of the 19th century in the view of foreigners. Diaries. Researches” (“Kartiny russkoi zhizni. Stolitsa i provincial pervoi poloviny XIX veka glazami inostrancev. Dnevniki. Issledovania”). The publication was prepared by G.M. Kovalenko and A.A. Kuznetsov.
The book incorporates “Autographic daily notes” by Adelaide Hausnolf and diary of Eric Gustav Ehrstrom “For me and my friends”, they are accompanied by album of Andre Duran’s lithographs “Voyage pittoresque et archeo-logique en Russie” first published in Paris in 1839.