Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences announces the release of the next volume (XL) of the collection of articles “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines” (ISBN 978-5-86007-954-0; ISSN 0130-0865). This year it has changed the publication format. From now on, it will be published in a mixed format: as an electronic publication on our new website and at the same time in the usual printed form. Electronic publication in full-text format will precede the paper version. The emphasis on the open electronic version will help, as we hope, both the dissemination of the collection and its recognition.
“Autograph of History” – to the 800th anniversary of Alfonso X the Wise, of Castile

The Archive of Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS keeps the only medieval document in Russia associated with the name of Alfonso X the Wise, the Castilian king, who decided the fate of a distant village in the Bay of Biscay. Daria Omelchenko, a researcher of the Archive, tells about the copy of the royal privilege granted to the port town of Ortigueira in the “Autograph of History” program.
Autograph of History – vineyards of Notre-Dame d’Arbois church

What is the significance of buying, selling, or bequeathing of a very small vineyard in a region of France historically important for winemaking on the basis of the example of two documents from the collection of Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History in the program “Autograph of History” reports Cand. Sc. in History Ekaterina Nosova, the researcher at the Scientific and Historical Archive.
“Archival history” – manuscripts of the Middle Ages.

The program “Archival history” with the participation of the chief curator of the Western European section of the Scientific and historical archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ph.D. Natalia Sredinskaya presents to the audience the Italian documents from the collection of N.P. Likhachev – a lifetime copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy, a fragment of Michelangelo Buonarroti’s handwritten text, as well as musical manuscripts of the Middle Ages.
Scientific conference “And my life is routine…”: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of professor Alexander Zavelevich Vakser “
On December 13, 2021, St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted a scientific conference “And my life is routine…”: To the 100th anniversary of the birth of professor Alexander Zavelevich Vakser”, organized as part of the seminar” History of the Soviet era”.
The conference was held online.
Reliquary of Alexander Nevsky

“Reliquary of Alexander Nevsky. Research and Materials” is a unique scientific illustrated publication that will crown at the end of 2021 the project “Alexander Nevsky: The Great Northern Route. On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the statesman, commander and saint”. The presentation of the album will take place on December 14 at the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg (Peter and Paul Fortress) with the participation of the authors. Organizers: St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Political Encyclopedia Publishing House (ROSSPEN) and Norilsk Nickel; partners – the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, the Novgorod Museum-Reserve and the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve.
The uniqueness of the publication is that, oddly enough, until the 21st century a detailed description of all the famous monuments associated with the burial and veneration of the holy relics of Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky had not yet been published. The album contains studies of recent years dedicated to the saint’s reliquaries. The authors consider in detail both the history of veneration of the Grand Duke in the context of Russian culture, and the phased transfer of relics, and, accordingly, the change in the nature and type of their containers from the Vladimir period (the Nativity Monastery in Vladimir as a memorial to Alexander Nevsky) to the Petersburg period (the famous silver cancer of Alexander Nevsky stored in the Hermitage) and even Petrograd, when the relics of the saint and related items were confiscated by the atheist authorities (the relic with the relics, which contained a unique letter of the 17th century, discovered by researchers only in the 21st century, a mantle that covered a silver shrine, now stored in the State Museum of the History of Religion).
A number of archival and museum finds were made during the preparation of various events in the jubilee year dedicated to the 800th anniversary of Alexander Nevsky. Research materials describing these latest discoveries are also included in the scientific publication.
Specialists from leading scientific and museum centers of Russia (St. Petersburg Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, the State Hermitage Museum, the State Archives of the Leningrad Region, the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve) took part in the creation of the album. Scientific publications of the professors-archpriests of the St. Petersburg Theological Schools (SPbDA) were prepared especially for the album. Illustrations for this edition were provided by the leading museums and archives of the country, as well as the authors of scientific articles.
The compiler of the album and author of the concept is A.V. Sirenov.
ROSSPEN, Moscow, 2021.
The presentation of the album “Reliquary of Alexander Nevsky” will take place on December 14 in the conference hall of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg at 16:00.
“Autograph of History”. The only manuscript of Dante in Russian archives

Ph.D. Natalia Sredinskaya, Chief Curator of the Western European Section of the Scientific and Historical Archive of the St. Petersburg Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences reports about a fragment of a handwritten book from the collection of N.P. Likhachev on parchment belonging to the 15th century – a list of Dante Alighieri’s “Divine Comedy” from the “Inferno” part – in the program “Autograph of History”. Air on November 20, 2021.