The 9th International Symposium on American studies “The History of America: man, nations, cultures”
The Russian Association for Anthropological American Studies, Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS and the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the RAS on June 24-25, 2020 carried out the 9th International Symposium on American studies “The History of America: man, nations, cultures”.
Due to limitations implied because of COVID-19 it was held online with no division into sections. All the participants were invited to the sequence of sessions on the subjects of the conference. The conference reports were delivered mainly in Russian, but there were also reports made in English and Spanish. The discussion was carried out both during the topical session and during the final meeting of the Symposium.
The recording of the Symposium sessions is available on YouTube
New book
Publishing House “Political encyclopedia” (“ROSSPAN”) issued the new book by Yu.Z. Kantor “Pribaltika 1939-1945 gg. Voina i pamyat” [“The Baltics in 1939-1945. The War and the Memory”]. ISBN 978-5-8243-2405-1 .
«The problem of the Baltic region» of the late 1930s – middle 1940s is quite controversial for both specialists and ordinary people in both Russia and Baltic countries. Tragic, mythologized and even taboo stories of pre-War and war period of history need to be scrutinized on the basis of original sources. The monograph by Yu.Z. Kantor is composed on the grounds of the unique documents from the archives of Russia, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. In combination with the most up-to-date studies of scholars from Rusiia and the Baltic countries it gave a possibility to reconstruct a full account of what had happened in this region in 1939-1944.
Scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society”
On July 2, 2020 at 17.00 the session of scientific seminar “Russia in the Modern Era (the 18th – the beginning of the 20th cc.): the state and the society” will take place.
At the semonar there will be delivered a report by Cand.Sc. in History N.V. Salonikov (Yaroslav the Wise Novgorod State University) and Cand.Sc. in History K.V. Sutorius (National Research University Higher School of Economics SPb) “Novgorodskaya Arhiereiskaya Shkola v Petrovskoe Vremya i istochniki po ee istorii” [“The Novgorod Archbishop School in the Era of Peter the Great and Sources on its History”].
The text of the report (in Russian)
The session will be held online.
The new book

“Nestor-Istoria” publishing house issued the collection of articles of the 11th Saint Petersburg International Colloquium “Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii: Zhizn’ v epokhu sotsial’nykh eksperimentov i voennykh ispytanii, 1917–1922” [“The Civil War in Russia: Life in the Era of Social Experiments and War Ordeals”]. ISBN 978-5-4469-1699-3.
This session of colloquium was aimed at finding new approaches in study of person and society of the Civil War era. The center of attention was not the course of the Civil War, but a person who got into hard times of political disturbance, social experiments, war ordeals, terror and violence, his everyday life, fears and emotions, strategies and ways of survival. The contrbutions from the discussion are published along with the reports. The book is aimed at both specialista and ordinary people interested in Russian history.
The publication was carried out with the support from JSC “Goznak” and European University in St. Petersburg.