“Piter” publishers issued new book by D.Sc. in History B.N. Kovalev “Ispanskaya divizia – soyuznik Tretiegi reiha. 1941-1945 gg” [“The Spanish Division – the ally of the Third Reich. 1941-1945”]. ISBN: 978-5-4461-1637-9
During the Great Petriotic War hudreds of thousands of soldiers and officers from European countries-allies of Hitler Germany fought against the Soviet Union. Aming them were the ones from Spain, the country which officially didn’t participate in the war. The Spanish “Blue Вivision” got to the Eastern fron in October 1941, till August 1942 stayed in Novgorod and its neighbourhood, wherefrom was moved near Leningrad and fought in bloody battles against the Red Army. It was the strong resistance of the Blue Division that prevented the raising of the blockade in the winter of 1943.
The book is based on numerous archival sources, diaries and memoirs of Spanish volunteers, Soviet soldiers and inhabitants of occupied areas as well as on studies of foreign scholars. The book is aimed at wide spectre of readers.