“Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie” publishing house issued a new book by D.Sc. in History, professor B.I. Kolonitskii “Tovarisch Kerenskii”: antimonarchical revolution and formation of the cult of “the leader of the people” (March-June 1917)” («Tovarishch Kerenskiy»: antimonarkhicheskaya revolyutsiya i formirovanie kul’ta «vozhdya naroda» (mart — iyun’ 1917 goda)); ISBN 978-5-4448-0638-8.
In his pioneering study the author demonstrates that the cult of the leader of the nation, well-known with reference to Lenin and Stalin, arose not in Soviet period but in spring and summer of 1917. “The first love of revolution” Aleksandr Kerenskii became the first bearer and partly creator of this cult. Tradition of monarchic culture didn’t vanish. Enriched by tradition of worship of party leaders it was reborn in a new image of the unique leader of the revolutionary army and revolutionary people, which became essential for different social strata