Our laureates


On May 27, 2016 at the assembly hall of Smolny ceremonial presentation of badges of laureates of the prizes of the city government in the spheres of culture, science and engineering, education.
leading researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva was awarded the rank of laureate of E.V. Tarle prize. Being well-recognized specialist in economic history of Russia, source studies and archaeography Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva has 169 scientific works, including seven monographs, fundamental publications of administrative documents of monasteries and school-books.
administration of the Institute, friends and colleagues warmly congratulate Zoya Vasilievna Dmitrieva with this well-deserved award.

Scholar’s jubilee


On May 29, 2016 Doctor of Sciences in Philology, professor Boris Fedorovich Yegorov, well-known Russian philologist, historian and specialist in the history of Russian literature and social thought of the 19th century, celebrates his 90-years anniversary.

Boris Fedorovich in every place of his work was constantly held in respect by his colleagues-scholars, students and post-graduate students. For several decades he actively popularizes Russian history and philology. His lectures have been attended in many regions of Russia by scholars, scientists, students and postgraduates, even pupils.

Having composed more than 400 articles and 14 monographs Boris Fedorovich still has a lot of creative plans.

We warmly congratulate our colleague and friend with this anniversary and wish him stay healthy, wealthy and wise and keep new creative ideas.

On the occasion of scholar’s jubilee

On 90-year anniversary of B.F. Yegorov the Library of SPbIH organized DSCN0176exhibition “Boris Fedorovich Yegorov: on jubilee. Books, articles, memoires, autographs”. In two showcases books, collections of articles, articles and publications of the scholar are presented. The third showcase holds memoires of Boris Fedorovich, publications of his letters and bibliography of his works. At the expositions the copies of title-pages with donative inscriptions are presented as well.

Library staff congratulates Boris Fedorovich with this anniversary and wishes robust health, new creative achievements, new books and publications

International colloquium “The age of wars and revolutions (1914–1922)”


On June 9-11, 2016 International colloquium “The age of wars and revolutions (1914–1922)” will take place at the European University at Saint Petersburg. The conference is organized by Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS, European University at Saint Petersburg, North-West branch of Scientific Council of the RAS on History of Social Reforms, Social Movements and Revolutions, Southern Methodist University (the USA) with the support from JSC “Goznak”.

At the international colloquium on Russian history conducted in Saint Petersburg every 2-3 years famous scholars from Russia, the USA, the Great Britain and Japan participate. This year the debate is timed to 100-year anniversary of the Russian revolution of 1917.

Anniversary of the scholar


75- year anniversary of chief researcher, Doctor of Sciences in History Aleksandr Konstantinovich Gavrilov was celebrated on May 23, 2016. Being the author of more than 180 scientific works he is well-known both in Russia and abroad as talented translator and editor of classical texts. His articles and publications are greatly appreciated by scholars. A.K. Gavrilov is also recognized as gifted pedagogue, who has educated new generation of highly-professional Russian specialists in the history of antiquity.
Collective of the Institute warmly congratulates Aleksandr Konstantinovich with this anniversary and wishes him new creative achievements, happiness and prosperity, robust health.

New edition


“Gyol” publishing house issued the second, enlarged and altered edition of book by T.A. Bazarova “The creation of “Paradise”: Saint Petersburg and Ingria under Peter the Great. Studies” (“Sozdanie “Paradiza”: Sankt-Peterburg i Ingermanlandia v epohu Petra Velikogo. Ocherki”).

The book deals with the history of the Ingria region and Saint Petersurg in the first years of the Northern War (1700-1721). The studies are based on the articles previously published in different scientific journals and collections and divide into three parts. The first one examines problems of interactions between the Russian army and local population of Ingria, construction and defense of Saint Petersburg. The second includes studies on development of the islands in the delta of the Neva and the first citizens of the new town. The third part is devoted to the analysis of cartographic sources on the history of Saint Petersburg and its surroundings. In the supplement there are published archival documents.

This book will be of interest to historians, students of local lore and readers interested in the history of Ingria and Saint Petersburg.

New book

voin_blokadaThe book “War and blockade. Collection of articles in memory of V.M. Kovalchuk” (“Voina i blokada. Sbornik pamyati V.M. Kovalchuka”) has been issued by Nestor-Istoria publishing house. This collection of articles and materials is devoted to commemoration of a well-known specialist in history of the Leningrad blockade and the Great Patriotic War Valentin Mihailovich Kovalchuk. The book includes articles and publications of historical documents on different issues mainly concerning the siege of Leningrad. Also there are published memoirs about Valentin Mihailovich and the article “Lenigrad requiem” (“Leningradskii rekviem”), which provoked a lot of arguments, accompanied by materials that shed the light on evolution and completion of this affair.

The book is addressed both to the specialists and to everyone interested in the Russian history.
