On November 1, 2022 at the Presidential Library within the framework of the project “Knowledge about Russia” a video lecture “Time of Troubles. Problems of source studies and historiography” took place. The event was timed to the Day of National Unity.
Researchers from St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences took part in the program. In the speech of the Deputy Director for Scientific Cooperation of St. Petersburg Institute of History D.Sc. in History Varvara Gelievna Vovina spoke about the origin and handwritten tradition of one of the most important monuments of Russian literature of the 17th century – the “New Chronicler” – a historical source of the Time of Troubles. Andrey Pavlov, D.Sc. in History, Senior Researcher of St. Petersburg Institute of History spoke about the historiography of the Time of Troubles in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods.