St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkinskiy Dom), St. Petersburg branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference “The History of the Writing of European Civilization”, which will be held in St. Petersburg on October 10-14, 2022
Scientific meetings on the history of writing within the framework of the conference “History of Writing of European Civilization” have the task of promoting further research of handwritten materials representing the tradition of writing in Europe (including Russia), summarizing the results of recent research in Russia and abroad, exchanging the experience of researchers, identifying problems of current work and the definition of promising directions in the further study of writing and written monuments.
Three sections are expected to work:
– Handwritten book of Latin, Byzantine and Cyrillic traditions;
– Act and business letter of the Middle Ages and Modern times;
– Monuments of epigraphy from antiquity to modern times.
The letter of Information (in Russian)
The conference will be held in a mixed format: face-to-face and on-line.
The Organizing Committee undertakes to send a response to the applications received as soon as possible and no later than August 1, 2022.