New book

“Dmitrii Bulanin” publishing house has issued a new publication “Jurnaly Komiteta Zapadnyh Gubernii”, tom 1:1831-1835 gg. (“The Journals of the Committee of the Western Provinces”. Vol. 1: 1831-1835). It was prepared and composed by T.V. Andreeva, I.N. Vibe, B.P. Milovidov, D.N. Shilov.

The Journals of the Committee of the Western Provinces (1831-1835) are highly important historical source on the history of large-scale governmental activities carried out in one of the largest and the most ethnically complicated regions of the Russian Empire, the Western territory, during the first years after th Polish rebellion of 1830-1831. These documents are published completely with no deletions or abridgment and are accompanied by appendix and indexes

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