New book

The publishing hoouse of the European University in St. Petersburg issued the collection of articles “Patriotic Cultures during the First World War” [“Kultury patriotizma v period Pervoi mirovoi voiny”] /ed. by K.A. Tarasov, composition and preface by B.I. Kolonitskii. ISBN 978-5-94380-285-0

This book is a collection of articles based on the reports delivered at the conference which took place on June 11-13, 2014 at the European University in St. Petersburg. The authors are schloars from Austria, the Great Britain, Germany, Canada, the USA and Russia.

This book incorporates publications on differeте issues and aspects of patriotism. The authors examine propaganda, posters and proclamations; metods of measurement of patriotism; social phobias, nationalism and political tricks as well as social movements which either played on patriotism or emerged because of it.

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