New book

Publishing house LRC issued a new book by I.P. Medvedev “Sudba uchenogo: Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich. Sbornik statei”. ISBN 978-5-907290-31-0

The collection of articles scrutinizes different aspects of the fate and scientific biography of the outstanding Russian scientist Vladimir Nikolaevich Beneshevich (1874-1938). This book sums up the results of longtime research to identify and study archival materials associated with V. N. Beneshevich and his family. Both documents reflecting the life of the scientist and his scientific works, including unpublished ones, are examined. The essays collected in the book fully represent all the variety of scientific interests of V. N. Beneshevich – a Byzantinist historian, lawyer, philologist and paleographer. The book outlines an exhaustive picture of his personality and relationships with his contemporaries, while showing at the same time the difficult fate of scientists in Russia in the first half of the 20th century.

The book is intended for Byzantinists, historians of law, as well as for specialists in the history of Russia in the XX century, historiography and history of science.

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