Saint Petersburg Institute of History a
nnounces the edition of books by V.I. Musaev “Orthodoxy in the Baltic states in 1890s-1930s” (Pravoslavie v Pribaltike v 1890—1930-e gg.; ISBN 978-5-7422-6065-3) and F.K. Yarmolich “Russia since 1917 is a mystery we try to solve in vain (Soviet censorship in the North-West of the USSR in 1920s-1930s)” (Rossija, nachinaja s 1917 goda, predstavljaet soboj zagadku, kotoruju my tshhetno pytaemsja razgadat’» (Sovetskaja cenzura na Severo-Zapade SSSR v 1920 — 1930-e gg.); ISBN 978-5-905042-59-1) and translation of R. Hartmann’s book done by V.I. Musaev.