Department of Contemporary History of Russia

Ivanov Viktor Aleksandrovich Professor, Doctor of Science in History, professor of the Dept. of Modern History of Russia of St. Petersburg State University.
Elected in 2017. Special in politic, social and war history and history of law enforcements.
Department of the history of revolutions and social movements Russia

William Rosenberg, doctor, professor, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, USA). Elected in 2011. Author of works on the social history of Russia.

Timo Vihavainen, Doctor, Professor of Russian Studies at the University of Helsinki (Finland). Elected in 2014. Author of studies on the history of Russian-Finnish relations

Tolstoy Michael Nikitich, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics. Elected in 2015. Author of works on the history of emigration.
Department of the Modern history of Russia

Gusman Leonid Y., Doctor of Science in History, Head of the Department of History and Political Science SUAE. Elected in 2012 Specialist in history of social thought of the second half of the 19th century and Free Russian press.

Nardova Valeria Antoninovna, Doctor of Science in History, 1958-2013 – LbIH-SPbIH. Elected in 2013. Specialist in the history of the working class, the internal politics of Russia in the second half of the 19th-early 20th centuries., The city government of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Shilov Denis Nikolaevitch Candidate of Science in History, senior researcher of the National Library of Russia. Elected in 2015. Specialist in history of governmental bodies of the Russian empire of the 18th-beginning of the 20th centuries including its personnel and in history of the Russian historical necropolis.

Leonid Vladimirovich,
D.Sc. in History, professor, professor of the Dept. of the History of Russia from ancient times till 20th cent. of St. Petersburg State University.
Elected in 2018.
Specialist in history of Russia in late 18th- first half of the 19th cent., the Romanovs and their court, everyday life, historic ethnology and history of peasantry of the North-Western Russia.

Vladinir Nikolaevich,
D.Sc. in Hisrory, professor.
1960-2018 — SPbIh of the RAS
Elected in 2018.
Specialist in history of the liberation movement, the Narodniks, social and political conceptions and local administration of Russia of 1850s-1900s.

Inna Evgenievna,
D.Sc. in History, associate professor, professor of the Dept. of Social Education of SPb Academy of Postraduate Pedagogic Education.
Elected in 2019.
Specialist in history of state administration of Russia of the second half of 19th cent., reforms of education in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Aleksei Nikolaevich
D.Sc. in History, Honoured Worker of Science of Russia.
1953-2019— SPbIH of the RAS.
Elected in 2019. Specialist in history of the revolutional movement, social and political conceptions in Russia, Russian historiography of the 19th – beginning of the 20th cent., history of the Great Patriotic War 1941—1945.
Novgorod group

Khokhlov Ilya Vladimirovich, Candidate of Science in History (Ph.D.), Art. Researcher Novgorod Museum. Elected in 2013. Specialist in the history of garrisons Novgorod province 19th -early. 20th century., Regimental and historiography of the Russian army regimental museums 19th-early 20th century.

Elizabeth Lёfstrand, Ph.D., professor at Stockholm University (Sweden). Elected in 2014. Specialist in the study of the history of Russian Time of Troubles in the early 17th century.
Department of Ancient History of Russia

Gerasimova Irina V. – Candidate of Science in History (Ph.D.), Candidate of Science in Art History (Ph.D.). St. Petersburg Institute of Religious and ecclesiastical art. Elected in 2014. Research interests: Polish-Russian historical and cultural ties, the musical culture of the Kiev metropolitan in 16th and 17th centuries., Comparative, Historical Anthropology and History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Dadykina Margarita Mikhailovna – Candidate of Science in History (Ph.D.), docent (associate professor),the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Elected in 2015. Specialist in social and economic history of Russia in 16th-18th centuries, archaeography and diplomatics of Russian documents, structure and household activity of the monasteries of the North of Russia.

Razdorskii Aleksei Igorevitch Candidate of Science in History, leading researcher of the National Library of Russia. Elected in 2015. Research interests: history of trade, merchant class and customs in Russia of the 17th-first half of 18th centuries; bibliography and source studies of regional and diocesan reference and statistical publications of the Russian Empire of the 19th-beginning of 20th centuries; history of Kursk and Kursk region of the 10th-20th centuries; contemporary Russian provincial encyclopedias.

Allissa Alekseevna
D.Sc. in History
Elected in 2018. Highly skilled specialist in history of the Old Russian art, which is studied in strong alliance with the social history of this period.
Department of General History

Gukova Sania Nukhovna Candidate of Science in History, docent of the department of Contemporary Christian art at Brera Academy of Arts (Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera), Milan, Italy. Elected in 2015.