Foto A.Yu.Bespyatych
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS has been invited to participate in this trade exhibition by its executive director Yu.Yu. Cheremskaya. It went off from December 11 till December 13 at the New exhibition hall of the State museum of city sculpture. Monographs and collective works, publications of historical sources and school-books written and composed in 2013-2015 by the Institute scholars were presented there. The last issues of “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines” (“Vspomogatelnye istoricheskie distsipliny”) and “Novgorod historical articles” (“Novgorodskii istoricheskii sbornik”) as well as the full set of numbers of “Petersburg historical journal” (“Peterburgskii istoricheskii zhurnal”) were also presented at the exhibition. On December 11 the journal was introduced to the visitors by its managing editor Doctor of Science in History A.I. Rupasov.
In the course of all three days of exhibition the guests paid permanent interest to the works of the Institute scholars, especially to issues of “Petersburg historical journal” and publications of historical sources.
Saint Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS was granted a diploma for active participation in the Second Saint Petersburg History Book Fair.