prof. A.Z.Wakser
Regular session of the seminar “The history of the Soviet era” was held on June 4, 2019. the subject was “Leningrad case”: the study results and prospects”. the report were delivered by associate researcher D.Sc. in History, professor A.Z. Vakser, professor of the Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications D.Sc. in History V.S. Izmozik; associate researcher D.Sc. in History, professor V.A. Ivanov; docent of the Institute of History of SPbSU, Cand.Sc. in History A.A. Amosova; docent of Chelyabinsk State University, Cand.Sc. in History A.N. Fedorov; research fellow of SPbIH of the RAS Cand.Sc. in History K.A. Boldovskii.