“Young scholars of the 21st century”. The conference of scholars-beginners


On April 12, 2017 at the Academics’ House named after Maxim Gorkii (Palace embankment, 26) the conference of scholars-beginners “Young scholars of the 21st century” took place. This event engages pupils and students of other secondary education institutions of Saint Petersburg and has been carried out for 21st time in a row by the Academics’ House with constant support from Saint Petersburg Institute of History. Institute researchers Cand. Sc. In History A.I. Bogomolov, Cand. Sc. In History S.A. Isaev, Cand. Sc. In History S.V. Kulikov were the members of the jury of the section “History”.
The results of the conference will be announced in a month at the closing session, and at the same time awards and diplomas will be presented.

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